teaching sauna animism at the cooperage / hot spell sauna, January 2025.

I enjoy skill and knowledge sharing in low-pressure, relaxed environments that empower my clients to connect with their creativity, their bodies, and the natural world. See a full list of my trainings & teachers under the about me section of my website.

I teach from a place rooted in abolishing cultural appropriation, capitalist & white supremacist behavior through making/finding your own ritual tools, learning about native and non native plants (and why we should care for both in their own way), learning ancestral practices from old europe from the time before we were “white” and had a relationship with land, and more. All my workshops are queer, femme, trans safe spaces and anti-racist.

I am usually available for private lessons for groups of 2-10 interested friends. Any of my offered classes below are available for private class settings. Please email me if you have a small group that wants to learn together!

If you aren’t local to the Milwaukee area, check out my substack where I send monthly folk magic musings to paid subscribers!

Upcoming Events - winter season

The Folk Magic of Spinning, Weaving, and Binding from the Scandinavian and British Traditions with Hayley Huston at FAMILIAR 2/20/25 6pm

In this workshop, participants will explore the folklore and magical techniques behind Scandinavian and British fiber arts. This class will be part lecture and part practice. Students will practice traditional magical techniques using knots, cloth, and thread and have a chance to make magical cordage from plant fibers. We will discuss different kinds of plant and animal fibers that can be incorporated into a magical practice and how to harvest and process these materials. We will also explore the myths, spirits, and goddesses behind these arts. The practice of twisting, knotting, and weaving dates back to the Neolithic period; participating in this work helps to connect us to thousands of generations of ancestors, as this has been a practice amongst our elders for over 50,000 years. If you are interested in fiber arts, spirituality, folk tradition, or witchcraft that is rooted in a long-standing lineage, this would be a great class for you to join. 

Upcoming Events - 2025 season

I will be on maternity leave, please subscribe to my newsletter to hear when I resume teaching again!

Mabon Public Broom class

Past Events

Sauna Animism and Sacred Bathing Rituals from the north @ Hot Spell Sauna on January 28, 2025

Holiday Gift Sale on Saturday, December 7th 10am-4pm & Sunday, December 8th 10am - 2pm at Yours Truly 833 e center st in Riverwest, Milwaukee

Being Other Dust Series: The Lost Women of Christmas and their Domestic Spell Craft @ The Open December 2024

A Spell is a Prayer with Props: Apple Magic through Fire Cider @ Cival Collective September 14, 11AM & Sept 28 at 3:30pm at Hedge meadow Apothecary in Mazomanie

Make a Classic Witches Broom Workshop @ Tooth and Nail Sunday Oct 20 2024

Elevated Sauna Sessions with Kindled + FAMILIAR @ July 18 2024 6-8:30pm Homecoming Spring Green

Make a Handbroom Workshop @ Aug 22 6-8pm Hedge Meadow Apothecary

Make a Spring Cleaning Sweeper Workshop @ Cival Collective 4/15 & 4/22 + 4/27-28/2024

Sauna Animism & Sacred Bathing Rituals from the North @ Hot Spell Sauna in St Francis on 1/23/24

We Gave Year: New Work by Rachael M. Gonzalez @ Gallery Night Milwaukee Hosted by Cival Collective on January 19 2024 5-7PM

Ringing Bells, Chimney Spells; the 12 days of Christmas in Northern Folk Tradition @ FAMILIAR in Riverwest on KRAMPUSNACHT 12/5/23 6:30-8:30pm

Samhain Sauna Sessions; herbs, cupping and vihta with FAMILIAR October 26 2023 @ Hot Spell Sauna in St Francis Wi

Sauna Animism & Sacred Bathing Rituals from the North - October 13 2023 @ Hedgemeadow Apothecary

A Spell is a Prayer with Props: Apple Magic through Fire Cider @ Cival Collective - Sept 23 2023

Sauna Animism & Sacred Bathing Rituals from the North March 2023 at Motherlion in Bayview, Milwaukee

Fall into Magic: a weekend Samhain Retreat - hosted by Red Bird Reiki-registration with Introduction to Full size Broommaking with FAMILIAR- Scales Mound, IL October 22-24 2021

Introduction to full size broom making - Mabon- September 12 2020 Milwaukee, Wisc.

Introduction to full size broom making - Midsommar- June 20 2020 Lyndon Station, Wisc.


Class Inquiry Form

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Email me below to set something up!
Please note your class ticket is transferable to another person for the class it was purchased for, but it may NOT be used toward future classes or services. Please be mindful of class date and time, there will be no exceptions.